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   Hello, boys and girls!否定考点在中考中占较大比重,常见的考点有:
  1. or在否定句中表“并列”;
  2. 表示否定的“也”——either。
  3. 否定词hardly, never, few, little, no, nothing, none等。
  4. 不定式中的否定。
  5. 不含否定词与not的否定句型。
  6. 反意疑问句回答中的否定理解。
  7. 情态助动词的否定回答。
  8. 比较级结构中的not。
  9. not…until…句型。
   10. 情景对话中的否定。
  Tom doesn’t have any brothers ____ sisters.
   A. and B. or C. with D. and or
  She has a son and a daughter.
  She ____ ____ a son ____ a daughter.
  [答案]doesn’t have, or
  Li Mei didn’t go to the cinema, and I didn’t ____.
   A. so B. also C. too D. either
  “也”●肯定:so (句首),also(句中),too(句尾)
  ●否定:neither, nor(句首), either(句尾)
  1)I haven’t finished my homework; she hasn’t, ____.
   A. also B. so C. too D. either
  2) She can’t swim. ____ can I.
  A. So B. Either C. Nor D. Also
  [答案]1)D 2)C
  a) I can’t work out this maths problem. I know ____ about maths.
   A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
  b) Xiao Li is the right person to show the foreigners around, for
   ____ of us can speak English.
   A. all B. each C. both D. none
  c) ——What else do you want?
  ——____ else. I think I got everything ready.
   A. Something B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything
  d) I can’t get on the bus, because there is ____ on it.
   A. little room B. few room C. no room D. not any rooms
  [答案]a)C b)D c)B d)A
  ——There is nobody here. Let’s play football.
  ——No, we can’t. My father often tells me _____ in the street. It’s
   A. to play B. don’t play C. not to play
  ①tell/ask sb. (not) to do sth.
  ②Would/will you please (not) do sth.?
  ③Why not+V原形+…?
  ④had better (not)+V原形+…
  [考考你] 把下列句子译成英语
  1) 夜间她最好别去那儿。
  She ____ better ____ go there at night.
  2) 为什么不问问那边的警察呢?
  ____ ____ ask the policeman over there?
  [答案]1)had, not 2)Why not
  ——This box is ____ heavy for me to carry. Can you help me?
   A. so B. much C. very D. too
  1) They were ____ glad to see each other ____ remember everything
   A. so; that they B. too; that they C. too; to D. so, so
  2) The five of us ____(不喜欢) playing football.
   A. not like B. dislike C. no like D. doesn’t like
  [答案]1)C 2)B
  [温馨提示]“喜欢A而不喜欢B”为“prefer A to B”。
  ——The Changjiang River isn’t the longest river in China, is it?
   A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. No, it is D. Yes, it isn’t
  1) 一致。(即Yes后“肯定”,No后“否定”。C、D是错的。)
  2) Yes应理解为“不”,No应理解为“是的”。
  You aren’t a student.(变成反意疑问句,并作否定回答)
  ——You aren’t a student, ____?
  [答案]are you, No, I’m not
  ——May I go now?
  ——No, you ____; you ____ stay here.
   A. needn’t; have to B. needn’t; must
   C. mustn’t; have to D. mustn’t; had to
  [解析]注意:May…? 回答:No+主语+mustn’t; Must…?回答:No+主语+needn’t.
   ——Must I go and do it now?
   ——No, you ____. We still have two more days.
   A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. won’t
  Mary is ____ careful as I, but I’m ____ than you.
   A. as; much careful B. as; much more careful
   C. so; much careful D. so; very careful
  [解析]易误选C。注意:“not so/as…as…”,“as…as”结构用于否定句中第一个as可用so替换,肯定句中则不行。
   ——The classroom is ____ clean ____ it was yesterday.
   ——Sorry, I forgot to clean it.
   A. as; as B. so; as C. not so; as D. more; than
   ——Where is your headmaster?
   ——He ____ Shenyang. He won’t be back ____ next week.
   A. went to; after B. has gone to; until
   C. has been to; until D. has been in; after
  My grandma didn’t go to sleep ____ I got back home.
   A. where B. until C. as soon as D. while
  a)——Would you mind if I open the window?
   A. Not at all B. Yes, I don’t C. No, I mind D. Yes, please
  b)——Would you like to play football with us?
   A. Yes, I’m glad B. Yes, I’d love to
   C. No, I don’t like D. No, I can’t
  [解析]对于Would you mind if…?的否定回答应为“Sorry, please don’t.”。而对Would you like something to eat/drink?否定回答为:No, thanks.
  [答案]a)A b)B
   1. He always comes to school early.
   He ____ comes to school early.
   2. You’ll miss the train unless you hurry up.
   You’ll ____ the train ____ you hurry up.
   3. My brother is old enough to join the army.
   My brother is ____ ____ to join the army.
   4. Both he and I have been to Beijing.
   ____ he ____ I have been to Beijing.
   5. There is something wrong with your computer.
   There is ____ wrong with your computer.
   6. Li Ming usually goes to bed at nine.
   Li Ming ____ goes to bed at nine.
   7. Zhang Hua is strong enough to carry this box.
   Zhang Hua is ____ ____ ____ he can’t carry this box.
   8. The five of us like playing football.
   The five of us ____ playing football.
   9. Xiao Hong is a known singer.
   Xiao Hong is ____ ____ singer.
  10. Everybody in our class knows where she lives.
   ____ in our class knows where she lives.
  Keys:1.never 2.catch; if 3.too young 4.Neither, nor 5.nothing6.seldom 7.so weak that 8.dislike 9.an unknown 10.Nobody
我决定要过一个不被打扰的星期天。不接任何电话,只和妻子一起好好欣赏一部老电影。  电影放映大约10分钟后,电话铃声响了起来。“不要理它。”我说。我和妻子都没有去接。  5分钟之后,电话铃声再次响起。我知道那一定是我们的儿子凯斯。他总是拨兩次。  “说吧,你有什么事?”儿子也许从我的声音里感觉到了我的沮丧,所以我只得尽量放缓语气,因为我不想让他感觉我不想跟他讲话。  放下话筒,继续欣赏电影。  不久
快来秀亲子照:  我们希望您能在“最家长”杂志上秀出爸爸和孩子在一起的照片,可以在家,可以在公园,可以在高原,可以在路上……只要你们在一起。  我们想做的是,让关心孩子的您告诉更多的老爸,回家来。  赶紧发图联系我吧,304332187@qq.com,别忘留下您的手机号。  只需发图,文字部分我们来整理,简单吧?  朵朵(山东商河)爱笑,一出产房就咯咯笑了,说来都不信,但姥姥和爸爸互相作证听见了。
优质、高产玉米新品种农大108的选育与推广 由中国农业大学完成 我国是世界生产玉米的第二大国,年种植面积3.5亿亩左右,但玉米生产长期存在单产低、品质差的问题。针对以上
有一个主管,已经六十几岁,几年前的某天和我们分享他的“第一名哲学”。  是这样的,他的求学过程很特别,小学他是全班第一名,而那个年代是要考初中的,他考运不佳,考上了公立最差的学校,但进去之后,他努力念书,仍是全班第一名。  然后,他考高中,不幸考到私立后半段,但他依然是全班第一名毕业。  考大学又进了掉车尾的学校,但,没错,你猜对了,他仍是系排名第一。  他说,和许多优秀学校但排行后面的人相比,他
国家自然科学基金委员会今年将全面实施源头创新战略 ,以增强我国自主创新能力。据悉 ,为营造创新环境 ,国家自然科学基金委在项目资助和管理方面 ,把是否体现源头创新、推进