近几年的生产实践证明:推广旱育秧技术和适时移栽是夺取中稻蓄留再生稻高产的前提。 1.播种 首先要周密地确定播种的时间。我县寒露风最早出现的日期是9月7日,根据再生稻从腋芽萌发到抽穗需要1个月左右的历程,为了保证再生稻在寒露风出现以前安全齐穗,头季稻的收获期就必须保证在立秋边,最好能在立秋前,其次按照头季稻的预定收获日期,根据该组合的生育期往前推就是最佳播种期。我县基本上选用杂交中稻中熟组合,生育期大多130天左右,因而播期确定在3月20日前后。我们在实践中体会到:要使旱育秧的秧苗出土整齐,一是催芽必须整齐,二是秧床必须平整,三是播前秧床一定要浇足水分,播后覆土必须厚薄均
In recent years, production practice has proved that promoting poplar seedling technology and timely transplanting are the prerequisites for capturing high yield of regenerated rice with mid-season storage. 1. Sowing must first be carefully scheduled for planting time. The earliest date of cold dew appeared in my county is September 7, according to ratooning rice from axillary bud germination to heading need about a month or so history, in order to ensure that ratoon rice in the cold before the advent of safe wind, the first season of rice harvest period Must ensure that in the autumn, it is best before the fall of autumn, followed by the scheduled harvest date of the first season of rice, according to the combination of the growth period forward is the best seeding period. Basically, our county selects middle-aged hybrid rice combination, most of the growing period of about 130 days, so sowing date around March 20. We experience in practice: to make dry nursery seedlings unearthed neat, one must germination must be neat, and second, the seedbed must be smooth, the third is to sow the seedbed before sowing enough water, after sowing the soil must be thick