圣诞节,我们全家搬到了佛罗里达。 一星期之后,我第一次听到了湿地中令人胆寒的嗥叫声。每天晚上,我都被这嗥叫声惊醒。我屏住呼吸坐在床上,紧抱着双臂,希望以此来止住寒战。 我透过卧室的窗户,盯着那皎洁的满月,仔细地聆听着。是什么动物发出这种叫声?我问自已。 我们全家一搬到佛罗里达这个在湿地边缘的新家,我就迫不及待地想去湿地探险。我站在后院,拿着十二岁生日时父亲送给我的望远镜观察这片湿地。 湿地上又细又高的白色树干相互倚
Christmas, our family moved to Florida. A week later, for the first time, I heard the chilling crying of the wetlands. Every night I was awakened by this howling. I hold my breath in my bed, hugging my arms, hoping to stop the chills. Through the bedroom window, I stared at the bright full moon and listened carefully. What animal sounds like this? I ask myself. As soon as our entire family moved to Florida, a new home on the edge of the wetlands, I could not wait to go exploring the wetlands. I stood in the backyard and watched the wetland with the telescope my father had given me on the 12th birthday. The wet, white, thin, tall tree leans against each other