最新修订的《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》将于7月1日起开始实行,其中一些规定备受瞩目——“家庭成员应当关心老年人的精神需求,不得忽视、冷落老年人”;“与老年人分开居住的家庭成员,应当经常看望或者问候老年人”。(2013年6月14日《中国青年报》)事实上,根据相关报道,我国城市老年人“空巢家庭”比例已达4 9.7%,接近一半,我国农村老年人“空巢家庭”比例也达到3 8.3%,上升速度比城市更快。
The newly revised “Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly” will come into effect on July 1, some of which have drawn much attention - “Family members should be concerned about the spiritual needs of the elderly and should not neglect and neglect the elderly ”“ Family members who live separately from the elderly should always visit or greet the elderly. ” (China Youth Daily, June 14, 2013) In fact, according to relevant reports, the proportion of elderly people living in urban areas in our country has reached 4 9.7%, nearly half that of the elderly in rural China The ratio also reached 33.3%, rising faster than the city.