长期使用电脑,如果不注意正确保健,很容易引起身体不适。比如患眼疾,颈、肩、背酸痛,自律神经失调,忧郁症等疾病。要避开电脑给健康带来的负面影响,有不少预防和保健的方法,这里介绍—份有助于电脑族健康的“健康食谱”。 早餐——要保证足够的热量。可以多吃些糖类食物,宜占早餐吸收总热量的60%左右,也就是大约等于一碗粥或一个馒头。早餐中蛋白质约占15%左右,相当于一杯豆浆或一杯牛妨。脂肪约占25%,相当于—个鸡蛋饼或一个菠萝包。不过,过多油脂或热量过高会给身体造成负担。
Long-term use of computers, if you do not pay attention to proper health care, it is easy to cause physical discomfort. Such as suffering from eye diseases, neck, shoulders, back pain, autonomic disorders, depression and other diseases. To avoid the negative health effects of computers, there are quite a few ways to prevent and treat this disease. Here we introduce “healthy recipes” that contribute to the health of computer users. Breakfast - to ensure adequate heat. You can eat more sugar foods, breakfast should account for about 60% of total calories, which is about equal to a bowl of porridge or a bread. Breakfast about 15% protein, equivalent to a cup of soy milk or a glass of it. Fat accounts for about 25%, equivalent to - an egg cake or a pineapple bag. However, too much fat or heat can be a burden to the body.