国歌是国家主权和尊严的标志,能反映民族的心声和意志,除我们现在所唱的国歌《义勇军进行曲》外,中国历史上另外产生了六首国歌。 1896年,我国清朝政府派遣北洋大臣、直隶总督李鸿章作为外交特使赴西欧和俄罗斯作礼节性访问,在欢迎仪式上要演奏来宾的国歌,可腐败无能的清政府当时根本不知国歌为何物,哪会有什么国歌,于是就临时找了一首适合清政府口味的七绝诗,改编配以古曲作为国歌临时使用。当时也没有歌名,歌词为“金殿当头紫阁重,仙人掌上玉芙蓉,太平天子朝天日,五色云车驾六龙”。
The national anthem is a sign of the sovereignty and dignity of the country and reflects the aspirations and intentions of the nation. In addition to the “March of the Volunteers” that we now sing, the national anthem has produced six additional national anthems. In 1896, the Qing government of our country sent the Northern Minister, Li Hongzhang, the Governor of Zhili, as a special diplomatic mission to Western Europe and Russia for courtesy visits. At the welcoming ceremony, the guests were invited to play the national anthem. The corrupt and incompetent Qing government did not know what the national anthem was and what would What national anthem, so I temporarily find a taste for the Qing government’s Seven Poems, adapted with ancient songs as a temporary use of the national anthem. At that time, there was no song title. The lyrics were “Golden Temple Pilgrimage to Zijin, Cactus on Jade Lotus, Taiping Emperor on the Day, and Five Colors Cloud Driving on Six Dragons.”