
来源 :教学月刊(中学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaci
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观察重要,没有人不知此理。但在教学中,老师要求提得多,具体指导少;口号喊得多,理论阐释少,致使学生观而不察。春游、秋游虽尽兴,坐下来还是苦苦咬笔头,下笔艰涩,行文空洞无物。目前中学作文教学,观察能力训练和指导,与语文大纲要求距离甚远。学生观察能力欠缺,体现在三个方面: Observing the importance, nobody knows this. However, in the teaching, the teacher requested much more, and the specific guidance was less; the slogan shouted more and the theoretical explanation was less, resulting in the students not observing. Although spring tours and autumn trips are enjoying themselves, they either sit down or bite their heads in pain. The writing is difficult and the text is empty. At present, middle school composition teaching, observation ability training and guidance, and the language outline requirements are far away. The lack of student observation ability is reflected in three aspects:
里嘉患了一种叫“明明病”的贱病。  明明知道许树不喜欢她,却还是死乞白赖的不抛弃,不放弃。面对许树的无视,她却不以为然。她学着《爱情公寓》里唐悠悠的样子,握着拳说:“男人,是抢来的。”  她做了这个年纪里所有姑娘都会做的傻事,早餐牛奶擦桌子写笔记,从不间断。我印象最深的是去年冬天的时候,风大,她居然织了个帽子要送给许树。  我回到寝室看见她坐凳子上飞针走线的时候,下巴都要惊掉了。  “姐,你能告诉