On March 15, 1979, a series of earthquakes occurred in the Holmster Valley, northwestern of Randas, in the Mojave Desert State of San Bernardino County, California, and along the two parallel fractures associated with ground fissures 1). The first earthquake was Richter magnitude 4.0, followed by 5.2 (1.07), 4.5 (1:34) and 4.8 (3.07) earthquakes, and many smaller aftershocks . In these incidents, ground fissures have occurred in and around the Johnson Valley fault and an unnamed fault (Figure 1). According to preliminary data from the California Institute of Technology Earthquake Laboratory, the main shock of the Holmes Valley is centered at 34 ° 18.5 ’north latitude and 116 ° 26.4 west long, about the middle of two ground fissures. Within a few hours after the start of the seismic activity, a systematic field investigation was started to monitor aftershocks and local changes in the geophysical field