In recent years, irrigation has been playing a significant role in ensuring the smooth development of food in Africa. In Africa, its role is smaller but it also has a substantive impact, but it is not as effective as it is in Asia. Due to the small area of low-cost new technology development, together with the macro-economic policies of all countries, the further development of irrigation projects has been restricted due to the exclusion of sponsorship from the macro-economy and the acceptance of highly-developed investment plans by both sides. As a result, there may be less and fewer means of improving existing irrigation programs because of growing sales, under-standing funding, management difficulties and objections by environmentalists. At present, the prices of rice in some countries have stabilized and the scope of diversification is limited. World prices for key irrigation equipment have been pushed down by the European and U.S. agricultural policies. This has led some developing countries to buy cereals and sugar or seek food aid rather than to develop their irrigation business. If this temptation is to be limited and domestic trade policies are shifted to favor irrigation, farmers are also willing to pay for irrigation. Irrigation management can be improved, but this requires additional budget and more autonomy to strengthen the use of units, management training. Train farmers to take part in management. The focus of modern management is to emphasize the socio-economic aspects of irrigation, as it is often the trigger for some of the key issues. Some environmentalists have criticized irrigation, to warn enthusiastic irrigation people to take these criticisms seriously and give necessary rebuttal. These criticisms are not always detrimental to irrigation, especially their long-term interests should be supported. It is vital that the credibility of irrigation be restored before it can be made