
来源 :浙江教育科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:antony86
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特级教师薛法根老师执教《三打白骨精》,课开始时有个词语教学的环节。其教学过程如下:师:今天我们学习一篇课文,读!(生齐读课题)课文中有些词语,老师分了两行,你按照老师的格式写下来。写完了立即举手。直接写词语,不写拼音。 Senior teacher Xue Fagan teacher coaching “Sanda bones essence”, the beginning of the class has a word teaching links. The teaching process is as follows: Teacher: Today we study a text, read! (Students read the topic) Some words in the text, the teacher points two lines, you write down the format of the teacher. Finished immediately raised his hand. Write words directly, do not write pinyin.