录鬼簿序(元)锺嗣成 贤愚寿夭,死生祸福之理,固兼乎气数而言,圣贤未尝不论也。盖阴阳之屈伸,即人鬼之生死。人而知夫生死之道,顺受其正,又岂有岩墙,桎梏之厄哉!虽然,人之生斯世也,但知以已死者为鬼,而未知未死者亦鬼也。酒罂飰囊,或醉或梦,块然泥土者,则其人虽生,与已死之鬼何异?此曹固未暇论也,其或稍知义理,口发善言,而于学问之道,甘为自弃,临终之后,漠然无闻、则又不若块然之鬼之愈也!
Recorded ghost book sequence (yuan) Zhong Seng Cheng Yin Yu Shouyao, the principle of life and death fortune, solid and almost gas terms, the saints not to mention both also. Cover yin and yang of the flexor, that ghost’s life and death. People who know the way of life and death, according to their positive, but also there is rock wall, hideous Ezra! Although, people are born in the world, but know that the deceased was a ghost, and the unknown is not dead also ghost too. Wine poppy pouch, or drunk or dream, block earth, then the people though, is different from the dead ghost? Learning of the Road, willing to give up, after the dying, indifferent, then not if the block Ghost of the more!