地方高师学报是高校学报中数量众多而层次较低的一个群体 ,在艰难的发展过程中取得了不小的成绩 ,但总体质量还不高 ,现状难如人意。如何为学报定位 ,则是这个学报群体共同面临的问题。本文认为必须面对现实 ,扬长避短 ,恰当定位 ,通过选题策划 ,形成特色栏目 ,追求自己的特色 ,以体现学报的质量 ,要做到这一点 ,地方高师学报宜定位于学术性、师范性和地方性。这也是地方高师学报应有的品位追求。
Local higher normal university journals are a large number of lower-level journals in the university journals. They achieved remarkable results in the difficult development process. However, the overall quality is not high, and the status quo is not satisfactory. How to position the journal is the common problem faced by the journal group. This paper argues that we must face the reality, avoid weaknesses and properly position, through the selection of topics, the formation of special columns, the pursuit of their own characteristics, in order to reflect the quality of journals, to achieve this, local higher normal university journal should be located in academic, normal and local. This is also what the local higher normal university should pursue.