没有什么怀疑的,杨澜和吴征这对伙伴夫妻,正向着自己曾经确定的“构造世界最大的互动数码王国”的目标步步为营地前进。 合并新浪,据说是其一系列资本动作的第一步。 尽管目前网上消息扑朔迷离,阳光卫视总裁吴征也于11日发话否认和新浪合并的消息,但记者从多方获得的资料显示,这项合并几可确认,双方只是就细节问题继续沟通。
Without any doubt, Yang Lan and Wu Zheng, partners and couples, are moving forward toward their own goal of “constructing the world’s largest interactive digital kingdom”. Sina merger, is said to be the first step in a series of capital movements. Despite the current confusing online news, Sunshine Satellite TV president Wu Zheng also denied the merger with Sina on the 11th news, but the reporter obtained from the multi-party data shows that the merger can confirm that the two sides are just continuing to communicate the details of the issue.