所谓土地革命初期中共中央坚持“城市中心论”的说法与史实不符。土地革命初期 ,党中央确定了发动农民土地革命 ,实行武装起义的方针 ,中央对起义点的选择 ,更注重乡村 ,也反对起义后专意攻城的举动。瞿秋白“左”倾中央领导提出“使城市成为农民暴动的中心指导者”的错误口号 ,但并非“城市中心论”。土地革命初期的中央具有明晰的武装斗争战略 ,这一战略与俄国无产阶级革命的城市起义不同 ,也与我国北伐时期进攻中心城市战略有别
The so-called statement by the CPC Central Committee that “urbanism theory” is not in conformity with historical facts at the very beginning of the Agrarian Revolution. In the early days of the agrarian revolution, the Central Committee of the Party set forth the principle of launching the agrarian revolution in the peasants and carrying out armed uprisings. The Central Government chose to pay more attention to the issue of the uprising and paid more attention to the rural areas and opposed the deliberate siege after the uprising. Qu Qiubai’s “leftist” tendency to tilt the wrong slogan of “making the city a peasant insurgency center” was not “urban-centered.” The Central Committee of the early days of the Agrarian Revolution had a clear armed struggle strategy. This strategy was different from that of the urban uprising in the Russian proletarian revolution and also to the strategy of attacking the central city during the Northern Expedition