
来源 :中国运动医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuan_98
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于90%个体乳酸阈恒定负荷强度运动1小时后3.96±1.73min通过肘静脉、股动脉穿刺和微量末梢血采集法首次同时获取静脉、动脉以及末梢血样用于乳酸浓度测定,观察血循环中乳酸水平的消长规律。在本实验运动模型下,静脉血乳酸浓度最高,末梢血次之,动脉血最低。三者之间呈高度相关(p<0.001)。动脉血乳酸浓度与静脉血之间有显著差异(p<0.001),但末梢血乳酸浓度与其他二者无显著差异。验证了长时间耐力运动后乳酸代谢的平衡状态,表明长时间耐力运动后微循环血动脉化成分较高,静、动脉血之间存在一种乳酸消除机制,且这种消除机制发挥作用的大小,与静脉血乳酸水平的起伏相适应。 At 90% of the individual lactic acid threshold constant load intensity after 1 hour of exercise 3.96 ± 1.73min through the elbow vein, femoral artery puncture and micro-peripheral blood collection method for the first time simultaneously obtained venous, arterial and peripheral blood samples for lactic acid concentration determination, observed blood circulation Lactic acid levels in the law of growth and decline. In this experimental model, the highest concentration of intravenous lactate, peripheral blood, arterial blood minimum. The three were highly correlated (p <0.001). There was a significant difference between arterial blood lactic acid concentration and venous blood (p <0.001), but there was no significant difference in peripheral blood lactate concentrations between the two groups. After prolonged endurance exercise to verify the balance of lactic acid metabolism, indicating long-term endurance exercise microcirculation higher arterial blood composition, static and arterial blood exists a lactic acid elimination mechanism, and the elimination of this mechanism to play a role in the size , Which is compatible with the fluctuation of venous blood lactate level.
最近,我觉得自己胖了许多,同学、老师和家人也都这样说我,于是,我决定减肥。  星期天的早晨,我一改往日赖床的习惯,5:30 我就起床准备跑步。我不再偷懒地选择来回的短跑道,而是选择绕着大大的环湖跑道跑步。我跑啊跑,还没跑满一圈就感觉到很累了,看到路边的蝴蝶椅,我的脚步不由自主地慢下来,很想一屁股坐上去,最好是躺下来。但我没有放任自己,而是坚持跑跑走走了一上午才回家。  到家的时候,爸爸妈妈已经准备