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丝瓜是广大市民喜爱的时鲜蔬菜,并兼有药疗、美容等功效,市场需求量很大。由于农民竞相种植,高峰期市场供应呈饱和状态,价格落差过大。为了提早和延迟丝瓜的市场供应期.提高经济效益,我们进行了丝瓜双季栽培试验。 试验设3个小区.以单季丝瓜作对照区。每小区面积 30m~2。前季每小区定苗 200株,后季丝瓜和单季丝瓜各定苗100株。现将试验情况简报如下: 一、栽培措施 (一)育苗移栽 前季丝瓜按常规大棚育苗方法,1月中旬播种,心叶未展开时移入营养钵,于2月底定植大棚。基肥在翻上前施入,每亩用禽粪2000kg、复合肥25kg、过磷酸钙15kg、氯化钾5kg。翻土后,在棚内纵筑5条15cm高的瓜垅,垅间留40cm小道,垅中央开沟再施浓人粪尿2000kg.尿素10kg,施后覆土喷除草剂.覆盖地膜。每垅两侧15cm处种瓜2行,边垅种1行,株距20cm,边垅外侧种早熟西葫芦。每亩实种4000株。定植后随即套好小拱棚、遇冷空气侵袭应加盖草帘。 Loofah is the favorite vegetable of the general public, and both medical, beauty and other effects, the market demand is great. As peasants competed for cultivation, the market supply during the peak season was saturated and the price gap was too large. In order to early and delayed the market supply of loofah to improve economic efficiency, we conducted a loofah double-season cultivation test. Experimental set up three plots to single-season loofah as a control area. Each district area of ​​30m ~ 2. Pre-season each district Dingmiao 200, after the loofah and single-season loofah 100 Dingmian. Now the experimental briefings are as follows: First, the cultivation measures (A) nursery before seeding gourd melon by conventional greenhouse nursery method, sown in mid-January, the heart leaf is not expanded into the nutrition bowl, planted in the greenhouse by the end of February. Base fertilizer applied before turning over, with 2000kg of poultry manure per mu, compound fertilizer 25kg, superphosphate 15kg, potassium chloride 5kg. After turning the soil, in the shed vertical building five 15cm high melon 垅, 垅 between the stay of 40cm path, 垅 central ditching and then concentrated manure urine 2000kg. Urea 10kg, after spraying Tucao herbicide. Each side of 15 cm at both sides of the melon 2 rows of species, the border species 1 line, plant spacing 20cm, the lateral margin of the lateral species of squash. 4000 per acre real species. Immediately after planting set a small arch, in case of cold air invasion should be stamped with straw curtain.
生姜的贮藏保鲜 姜喜温暖湿润,适宜贮藏温度为15℃左右,相对湿度为85%~95%常用井窖贮藏。井窖深约2.5~3米,井口以人能下去即可。在井底向两侧挖两个贮藏室、室高1~1.3米,长宽各约
目的:评价腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)在小檗碱减轻肾缺血再灌注小鼠肾纤维化中的作用及其与铁死亡的关系。方法:SPF级健康成年雄性C57BL/6小鼠24只,8~10周龄,体重20~25 g,采用随机
  End user acceptance and satisfaction with a new IT innovation is the pre-requisite for the successful introduction of this IT solutino into an organization.
荷兰豆以嫩荚供食,既可鲜食,又可速冻,质脆清香,营养丰富,作为高档精细菜,逐渐为人们所喜食,更是宾馆、饭店的必备蔬菜,具有广阔的栽培前景。 荷兰豆耐寒性强,喜欢温和湿润