深化内部改革 促进两个根本转变

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镇海港埠公司是宁波港务局下属的一千装卸生产作业区,现拥有合同制职工1413人,泊位12个,其中万吨级8个,设计年吞吐能力为740万吨,担负着局大部分的煤炭、散杂货和液体化工产品的装卸任务。自1979年第一个万吨级煤炭码头投产以来,公司边生产,边建设,先后经历了70年代末的建设期、80年代的成长期和90年代的发展期。“八五”期间生产高速发展,货物吞吐量先后跃上400万吨、500万吨、600万吨的台阶。到1996年达到了838万吨,创利税2123万元。此外,我们还先后同香港、日本、荷兰、德国、挪威、韩国、新加坡、台湾等国家和地区建立了液体化工、沥青、散装水泥等12家合资企业,总投资达5.34亿元,注册资金为4.33亿元,引进外资折合人民币2.53亿元。 近几年来,在精神文明建设方面,公司连续几次荣获全国口岸结对共建社会主义精神文明先进集体称号、省口岸系统先进单位。1988年以来连续8年被评为宁波市军警民共建文明单位,1994年被评为宁波港务局唯一的一家局内一级企业。 Zhenhai Port Co., Ltd. is a one-thousand loading and unloading production and operation area under the Ningbo Port Authority. It now has 1,413 contract workers and 12 berths, of which 8 are of 10,000-tonnage and designed with an annual handling capacity of 7.4 million tons and bear most of the Coal, bulk groceries and liquid chemicals loading and unloading tasks. Since 1979, when the first 10,000-ton coal terminal was put into operation, the company has experienced the construction period of the late 1970s, the growth period of the 1980s, and the development period of the 1990s. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, the rapid development of production led to a rapid increase in the cargo throughput of 4 million tons, 5 million tons and 6 million tons. By the year of 1996, it has reached 8.38 million tons, generating profits and taxes of 21.23 million yuan. In addition, we also established 12 joint ventures with liquid chemicals, asphalt, bulk cement, etc. in Hong Kong, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and other countries and regions with a total investment of 534 million yuan and registered capital of 433 million yuan, the introduction of foreign capital equivalent to 253 million yuan. In recent years, in the building of spiritual civilization, the company won several consecutive consecutive wins of the national cross-border construction of advanced socialist spiritual civilization collective title, advanced unit of the provincial port system. For eight years in a row since 1988, it has been appraised as a civilized unit of military, police and civilians in Ningbo City. In 1994, it was named the only one within the Bureau of Ningbo Port Authority.
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盐城市阜宁县根据本地船舶运输的实际,确立立足乡村加强源头管理的总体思路,出现了三种比较成功的管理模式: 一是乡镇政府统一管理。乡镇政府把运输业纳入经济发展的总体规