Bursting bubbles inject inorganic and organic seawater constituents into the atmosphere.Because these nascent aerosols undergo rapid (seconds) multiphase ch
Oceanic suspended particles in sea surface layer consist of a variety of components,some of which have external sources,and some of which are produced inter
Recent increases in emissions over heavily populated and rapidly developing East Asia may have significant global influence on air quality and climate.The e
Triplicate water samples were taken during the 22 nd Chinese Antarctic Expedition.The samples were analyzed in lab.Result shows that: ⑴ The distribution of
在巴西首都巴西利亚,有家中式快餐厅,不仅当地的华人爱去,外国人尤其是年轻时尚的女性也常去。该店张老板介绍,过去,快餐厅的生意并不好,他接受了女儿的一条建议后,生意逐渐变得兴隆火暴起来。 还在大学进修的女儿周末来到餐厅,见到生意清淡,便向父亲建议说,把方形送餐盘改成月牙形的,就能吸引更多的人来。张老板迷惑不解地看着女儿,却也想不出更好的办法,就任由女儿设计出一款月牙形的餐盘,并按它的式样将店内所有
2010年,中国股市中没有被那些黑嘴离奇的预测“忽悠”的,又有几个人呢? 2010年,中国的股市走势图就像一个“性感”的深“V”字,中国股民如果真按照那些所谓专家和权威机构发布的年度投资策略去操盘买股的话,恐怕早已赔得血本无归了。 据WIND资讯的不完全统计,2010年,中国股市中新诞生了824位亿万富翁,主要集中在中小板和创业板中,相当于平均每支新股上市就能有2.4人跃升亿万富豪。但与
The partial pressure of CO2 and air –sea fluxes were determined monthly during 2003-2004 in El-Mex Bay.It is shallow sheltered Estuary west of Alexandria.S