Cause Analysis of English Writing Apprehension of Secondary Vocational Students

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  【Abstract】English writing apprehension is an inevitable problem in secondary vocational schools.In the paper,the author analyzes causes in terms of second language proficiency,self-efficacy,first language writing competence and other factors,ultimately,gives teachers some practical proposals.
  【Key words】English Writing Apprehension; Secondary Vocational Students
  Writing apprehension,a construct created by Daly and Miller has been conceived of as“a situation and subject-specific individual difference that is concerned with a person’s general tendency to approach or avoid writing accompanied by some amount of evaluation.”It has been studied by many linguistics and proved to be negatived correlated with writing proficiency.For most secondary vocational students,the phenomenon is more obvious,what are the causes ?
  1.Second language proficiency
  According to Chomsky’s theory language proficiency includes competence and performance.Competence is one’s underlying knowledge of a system,event,or fact.It is the nonobservable ability to do something,to perform something.Performance is the overtly observable and concrete manifestation or realization of competence.It is the actual doing of something:walking,singing,dancing,speaking.Besides,there is another dichotomy which means comprehension and production.Production is more directly observable,but comprehension is as much performance - a“willful act,”to use Saussure’s term-as production is.Therefor,we define“second language proficiency” as competence,performance,comprehension and production.
  A significant number of vocational students are weak in English.They do not know the phonetics,can’t read words or understand the sentence,not to mention speak or write fluently.Insufficient knowledge leads to poor ability to listen,to speak,to read,and especially to write.In terms of discourse,there is often one section; from the level of sentence,most are incomplete,or there is no subject or predicate,or neither.Some students mix up S V with the S V P,the majority of students avoid compound and complex sentences.From the word level,limited vocabulary hinder idea conveyance.These result in some abandon writing tasks,some copy part of the reading comprehension,or some write many words in Chinese or blank instead,only the minority can complete in accordance with the writing requirement.
  2.Second language writing self-efficacy
  Writing self-efficacy is the extent or strength of one’s belief in one’s own ability to complete writing tasks.It is the judgment of self ability.Generally speaking,the successful experience will enhance self-efficacy,repeated failure will lower it.In learners’ memory,teachers’ red corrections are much more than praises,and the low score on writing papers remind their poor ability.Though they know they will make mistakes in writing,they don’t know how to avoid the same errors due to their lack of knowledge.Little success and repeated failure result in low second language writing self-efficacy.   3.First language writing competence
  Being less advanced,they have learning difficulties on first language writing.Many Chinese teachers point out the following problems which must negatively influence English writing:First,they make the topic as title or their topics are irrelevant or there is no title at all.Second,the content is too shallow or impoverished.Third,the structure is unclear.Fourth,they often write in a mess mind with radical views.
  4.Other factors
  Firstly,with little attention to English writing,there is always no writing class or writing guidance in secondary vocational schools.Secondly,outmoded writing training makes students less interested.Thirdly,the score the evaluation,that reduce students’ confidence.
  In our future English writing teaching,with more attention,teachers should:help students reinforce elementary knowledge; extend the text and guide students ponder on the topic; give model essays to follow; encourage students to communicate with each other before writing; and the teacher should give immediate evaluation with appreciation.
  [1]Brown,H.D.Principles of Language Learning and Teaching[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2002.
【摘要】高职高专院校英语校本教材的开发是时代发展和教学改革的必然产物。本文从目前教材使用状况入手,分析英语校本教材开发的原则和条件,旨在共同探讨。  【关键词】高职高专 英语校本教材 教学  近年来,随着社会的发展高等职业教育迅猛发展。而英语课程作为高职院校的一门公共基础课,其发展势头和改革力度并没有显示出应有的成效。学生英语基础参差不齐、教学内容不对口、语言实际应用能力低下等诸多问题并存。英语所
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【摘要】隐性课程,因其隐蔽性的特点在教学过程中被长期忽视。笔者以通化市五所中学为调查对象,对当前我市初中英语教学隐性课程资源的开发利用现状进行了问卷调查。针对调查结果所暴露的隐性课程资源开发滞后的问题,本文对隐性课程建设中软硬件的开发及其理论研究的策略进行了探讨,推进中学英语教育向素质教育的进一步发展。  【关键词】隐性课程 设计策略  一、引言  随着教育体制改革进行,英语社会化考试势在必行,中
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【摘要】一直以来,中小学英语教学存在着相互脱节,衔接不当的现象,这一现象严重阻碍了英语教学的发展。如何解决好中小学外语教学衔接问题是值得我们去思索、探索的问题。本文在归纳中小学衔接问题和分析其产生原因的基础上,通过工作实践提出了解决衔接问题的一些对策和方法。  【关键词】中小衔接 英语教学 原因 对策和方法  七年级,既是小学英语学习的终点,又是初中英语的起点。笔者工作地区实行的是六三制初级教育,
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