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爆发于1911年(清宣统三年,辛亥年)的辛亥革命,是一场中国资产阶级民主主义革命,推翻了清政府和中国两千年封建君主专制,功不可没。但它没有也不可能完成中国人民反帝反封建的民主革命的任务。在辛亥革命中,有一批中坚力量,孙中山、黄兴就是其中两位领袖人物。孙中山(1866年~1925年),伟大的民主主义革命先行者,资产阶级革命家。1905年创建中国同盟会,提出了“驱除鞑虏,恢复中华,建立民国,平均地权”的革命纲领,1912年1月1日就任中华民国临时政府临时大总统。黄兴(1874年~1916年),近代资产阶级革命家,1905年与孙中山创建中国同盟会,任庶务长。在黄花岗起义中,亲率敢死队往攻湖广总督署,招致失败。在汉口、汉阳战役中,出生入死。临时政府成立后任陆军总长。 The 1911 Revolution, which broke out in 1911 (three years of Qing Xuantong and Xinhai year), was a bourgeois-democratic revolution in China and overthrew the two-year feudal monarchy authored by the Qing government and China. However, it can not and can not accomplish the task of the Chinese people in their anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution. In the Revolution of 1911, there were a number of nucleus leaders, Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing, among whom were two leaders. Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), pioneer of the great democratic revolution and bourgeois revolutionary. The All-China Alliance was founded in 1905 and put forward the revolutionary program of “expelling Tartar, restoring China, establishing the Republic of China, and equalizing land rights.” On January 1, 1912, he served as interim president of the interim government of the Republic of China. Huang Xing (1874-1916), a modern bourgeois revolutionary, founded the All-China Alliance with Sun Yat-sen in 1905 as the postmaster general. In the Huanghuagang Uprising, the death toll led to the death of Governor General Huguang. In Hankou, Hanyang battle, born to death. After the establishment of the interim government army chief.
BACKGROUND: Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) can directly regulate toxic injury of hippocampal neurons through participation by its receptor. Increase of excitability of