赏识导致成功,抱怨导致失败。这是一位父亲总结出来的教育心得。这位父亲名叫周弘,他的女儿周婷婷幼时又聋又哑。但是,在周弘的“赏识——成功”教育下,加上老师和众多热心人的帮助,周婷婷不仅能听会说,还充分发挥了自己的各种潜能,享受了更多的人生幸福和成就感。1993年她被评为全国十佳少先队员,后来又成为一名残疾少年大学生。据悉,在周弘的“赏识——成功”教育下,上百名被认为是“差生”的孩子转变为好学生。奥秘在哪里呢? 周弘说:“小孩子学说话,不论说得多含糊,父母都报
Appreciation leads to success, complaints lead to failure. This is a summary of his father’s educational experience. The father named Zhou Hong, Zhou Tingting his daughter deaf and dull childhood. However, under Zhou Hong’s “appreciation - success” education, with the help of teachers and many enthusiastic people, Zhou Tingting not only listened to her but also gave full play to her various potentials and enjoyed more happiness and achievements in her life sense. In 1993 she was named the nation’s top ten young pioneers, and later became a disabled teenager. It is reported that in Zhou Hong’s “appreciation - success” education, hundreds of children considered to be “poor students” into good students. Where is the mystery? Zhou Hong said: "Children learn to speak, no matter how ambiguous, parents have reported