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由于受到家庭经济条件和学校师资设备等条件所限,农村高中学生英语学习负担较重。应用微课能够激发学生学习英语的兴趣、热情以及求知欲,从而提高课堂教学质量、减轻学生英语学习负担、增强学习效果,具有十分重要的意义。在我国,英语一直受到学校、家庭和学生的高度重视,但学习效果无法令人满意,学生花在英语学习上时间较多,学习压力大,尤其是对于农村学生,由于受到家庭经济条件和学校师资设备等条件所限,英语学习负担较重。因此,应用微课,提高教学质量、 Due to the family economic conditions and school teachers equipment and other conditions, rural high school students in English learning burden. Application of micro-class can stimulate students interest in learning English, enthusiasm and curiosity, thereby improving the quality of classroom teaching, reduce the burden on students learning English and enhance the learning effect, of great significance. In our country, English has been highly valued by schools, families and students. However, the learning effect is unsatisfactory. Students spend more time studying English and learning pressure, especially for rural students. Due to the family economic conditions and schools, Teacher equipment and other conditions, heavier English learning burden. Therefore, the application of micro-class, improve teaching quality,
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小鹿,小鹿,  没见你时,真为你着急;  妈妈的脖子那么长,想亲亲她可怎么办?    小鹿,小鹿,  看见了你我满心欢喜;  原来你脖子也那样长,  一点也不妨碍你和妈妈亲昵。    啊,长颈鹿,长颈鹿,  多么有趣。
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