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编辑视角面对写作,大部分学生都会患上恐慌症,实际上整个社会也大抵如此。我们往往是在万般无奈中,在憋屈压抑中,在痛苦煎熬中,草成了一篇连自己也不愿多看的文字堆砌成的篇章。我们的感叹多是“写作难啊”、“写作苦呀”!如此的写作众生相,促使我们去反思,这到底是咋回事。作文可是语文教学的重头戏,只从小学入学算到高中毕业,我们的课内课外练笔次数绝对“可观”。但整体写 Editing perspective Most students are suffering from panic when writing. In fact, the whole society is probably the same. We are often helpless, in suppressing depression, painful torment, the grass has become a chapter of their own do not want to read the text pile up. Our sighs are mostly “difficult to write”, “writing bitter”! “Writing so sentient beings, prompting us to reflect on, in the end is what is going on. Essay, however, is the highlight of Chinese teaching, counting only elementary school enrollment to high school graduation, our class practicing extracurricular absolute ”considerable ". But overall write
分类讨论思想是数学思维的重要思想,是人们解决问题的最高思想境界,分类思想在历年的数学高考中都有所考查.导数题一般是高考题中高档题,学生失分最多的是分类讨论不会不全.  一、分类讨论求单调区间  二、分类讨论求极值点  三、分类讨论求最值