
来源 :医疗卫生装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liunan0083
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研究医院未来发展趋势,主要有四大要素:人才、设备、服务,这四大要素是推动医院未来现代化建设的主流。设备是四大要素之一,没有成龙配套、门类齐全、高精尖和现代化医疗设备,医院的发展、上等级、参予社会竞争是不现实的。有了高精尖医疗设备,管理不善,使用不当,维修跟不上,故障率很高,也会给医院建设造成损失。因此,购、管、用、修好医疗设备,是医院设备职能部门及管理者不可低估的责任。一个称职的设备管理者。应懂技术,会经营,善管理,更重要的是为临床服务和对技术人员的培养。同时还应做到: To study the future development trend of the hospital, there are four major factors: talents, equipment, and services. These four major factors are the mainstream of the modernization of the hospital. The equipment is one of the four major elements. Without Jackie Chan’s support, complete categories, sophisticated and modern medical equipment, it is unrealistic for hospitals to develop, rank, and participate in social competition. With sophisticated medical equipment, poor management, improper use, and maintenance failure, the failure rate is high, and it also causes losses to hospital construction. Therefore, the purchase, management, use, and repair of medical equipment are not the responsibility of the functional departments and managers of hospital equipment. A competent equipment manager. Should understand the technology, will manage, good management, more importantly, for clinical services and the training of technical personnel. At the same time it should also do:
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