用心导管检查技术,按Fick氏原理测定心输出量,已成为医学界传统的方法,为了验证脉图法测定心输出量的精度,验证脉图基础理论及算式推导的正确与否,南昌市第二医院与北京阜外医院心导管室共同协作进行了脉图法与心导管法测定心输出量的对照研究,现将初步结果报导如下: 研究方法研究对象,均为北京阜外医院经临床及心导管检查确诊的病例,共61例,其中室间隔缺损者41例,室间缺损手术修补前后对照10例,无(或少量)
Heart catheterization technology, according to Fick’s principle of determination of cardiac output, has become the traditional method of medical profession, in order to verify the accuracy of the pulse output determination of cardiac output, verify the basic theory of pulse and the derivation of the correct formula, Nanchang Second Hospital and Beijing Fu Wai Hospital cardiac catheterization room to work together with the pulse diagram and cardiac catheterization method for the determination of cardiac output control study, the preliminary results are reported as follows: research methods research object, are Beijing Fuwai Hospital by clinical and Cardiac catheterization diagnosed cases, a total of 61 cases, of which 41 cases of ventricular septal defect, ventricular defect repair before and after surgery in 10 cases, no (or a small amount)