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随着中国入世,自改革开放以来中国经济与国际经济及其惯例的接轨工作告一段落。在此意义上,也可以说我们正在进行一场“新洋务运动”,即借助外资、外力、外部规则,改造自我,实现中国经济的复兴。清朝末年,中国曾经有过一场“洋务运动”,它是近代中国第一次以富国强兵为目标的现代化运动,在物质文明和精神文明两方面都对中华民族的发展有过不可磨灭的贡献。提到“睁眼看世界”,我们不能不想到北京同文馆、江南制造局等洋务机构的译书。而轮船招商局、江南造船厂等迄今仍在香港、深堔蛇口和上海闪光。可是,从全局看,洋务运动是失败了的实践。这个现代化良机所以丧失,说到底是于历史积垢的重负,是中国传统文化封闭性产生的恶果,创巨痛深。往事虽已百多年,但其中的教训,今人仍不可不察。著名历史学家、中山大学教授袁伟时先生的这篇答问录启发我们:强者要永远注视未来,与时俱进,保持自己的先进性,而不是抱残守缺。愿中国人永远以宽阔的胸怀去拥抱世界。愿打开了的国门永远不再关上。 With China’s accession to the WTO, the joint operation between the Chinese economy and the international economy and its customs has come to an end since the reform and opening up. In this sense, we can also say that we are conducting a “new Westernization Movement” that relies on foreign investment, external forces and external rules to reform ourselves and bring about the rejuvenation of China’s economy. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, China once had a “Westernization Movement”. It was the first modern-day modernization movement in China that aimed at making the rich and strong the world a strong force. It had an indelible mark on the development of the Chinese nation in both material and spiritual civilizations contribution. Mentioned “eyes open to see the world”, we can not help but think of Beijing Tongwen Hall, Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau and other foreign affairs agencies translation. The ship China Merchants, Jiangnan Shipyard so far is still in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shekou and Shenzhen flash. However, from the overall situation, the Westernization Movement is a failed practice. The loss of this modern opportunity is, in the final analysis, a heavy burden of historical scale. It is a result of the closed nature of China’s traditional culture and a huge painful result. Although past events have lasted for more than a hundred years, the lessons of these events are still unknown today. The famous historian and professor Yuan Weishi from Sun Yat-sen University gave us this Q & A which inspired us: The strong should look forever at the future, keep pace with the times and maintain their advanced nature, rather than remain unscrupulous. May the Chinese always embrace the world with a broad mind. The kingdoms opened in China will never close again.
结合西岙岭隧道工程,分析了巷道式通风的需风量,介绍了通风方案的布置情况及过程实施时的一些要求等,通过利 用巷道式通风系统提升的公路隧道的通风效果,提高了整体的经济效