Marilyn Robinson is a famous American contemporary writer whose works have won many literary awards. Robinson introduced the new work Lila in late 2014 and was shortlisted for the U.S. National Drawing Awards. The new work carries out Robinson ’s past religious themes and constitutes “the Gilead Trilogy” together with “Giraffet” and “homeland”. Different from the other two works, Laila examines the influence of Christianity in daily life from the perspective of women, far away from the big historical background narratives such as abolitionist movement, Spanish flu and race issue in GREEK. Concerned about the emotional experience, describes the protagonist from the fragmented life of religious understanding of the divinity, the ultimate peace of mind and redemption. Laila’s mentality is interlinked with many Christian themes (such as sin, sex, wandering, reversion, etc.), reflecting the call of the contemporary American literary world for good human nature, the memory of the diminishing Christianity in the United States, and the spirit of the Americans Guide to life.