今,世界进人了政治多极化、经济一体化的变革时代。社会文化以全球趋同和多元格局的态势进人所谓“后现代”时期。在这样的背景下,多元文化开始出现并迅速地发展演变。作为社会转型在文化形态上的反映,它表现出这样几个特征: 第一,东方传统文化体系与西方近现代文化体系始终在冲突中对话交流
Today, the world has entered an era of political multipolarization and economic integration. Social culture entered the so-called “post-modern” period with the trend of global convergence and pluralism. In this context, multiculturalism began to emerge and rapidly evolve. As a reflection of the social transformation in terms of cultural patterns, it shows several characteristics: First, the traditional oriental culture and the modern Western cultural system have always had dialogues and dialogues in conflicts