在不久前由德国《汽车与运动》杂志举办的第23届“最佳汽车”评选和由欧洲最大的汽车杂志《欧洲汽车》举办的1998~1999年度“最佳新车”评选之中,奥迪TT双座跑车双双夺冠,荣获双最佳称号,以此结束了保时捷车型独霸“最佳汽车”称号达23年之久的历史,并以148的总分将福特焦点(Focus)、梅塞德期S款和阿尔发166抛到了后头(焦点得126分列第二,梅塞德斯S款和阿尔发166位居第三和第四)。 奥迪TT何以受到欧洲媒体及广大读者如此垂青?你若了解这车的整体结构上和性能上的一系列突出特点,也就不会生此疑问了。
In the recent “best car” selection held by the German magazine “Motor and Sport” and the “best new car” from 1998 to 1999, organized by Europe’s largest car magazine “European Car”, Audi TT The two-seater sports car won both titles and ended the 23-year history of the Porsche model’s “best car.” With a total score of 148, Ford Focus, S paragraph and Alfa 166 left behind (the focus was 126 points second, Mercedes S paragraph and Alfa 166 ranked third and fourth). Audi TT why the European media and readers so much favor? If you understand the car’s overall structure and performance of a series of outstanding features, it will not give birth to this question.