
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honfei1984
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广播电视生产的是精神产品,是送到千家万户接收设备上的各种广播电视节目。形成广播电视完整生产力的各个环节,从节目制作、播出、传输、发射直至受众的接收,都离不开广播电视技术。当这些环节中的任何一环节出现新的技术突破,就会带动整个广播电视事业的一次大发展。特别是空间技术与广播电视的结合出现了卫星广播电视以后,它使广播电视信号可以越洋传送,让精采的球赛或演出供全球数十亿人同时观赏;直播卫星的发展不仅解决了地面发射难以实现的大面积覆盖,同时还向电视观众提供出越来越多的节目频道,观众选 Radio and television production is a spiritual product, is sent to millions of households receive equipment on a variety of radio and television programs. The formation of complete productivity of radio and television in all aspects, from program production, broadcast, transmission, launch until the audience’s reception, are inseparable from radio and television technology. When any of these links in any part of the new technological breakthroughs will lead to a major development of radio and television industry. In particular, the combination of space technology and radio and television After the advent of satellite radio and television, it enabled the transmission of radio and television signals across the oceans, enabling brilliant ball games or performances to be watched by billions of people all over the world. The development of direct broadcast satellites not only solved the issue of ground launch Difficult to achieve a large area of ​​coverage, but also to television viewers to provide more and more program channels, the audience
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<正> 电视经济新闻如何办好办活,引起受众兴趣?自1987年以来,浙江电视台的新闻工作者作了可贵的探索与追求,他们拍摄的经济新闻有5条荣获全国电视好新闻评选的特等奖。他们尤其在问题性电视经济新闻报道上取得了重大突破。本文着重结合浙江台在这类新闻上的出色实践对这类新闻提出一孔之见,求教于同行。