21世纪的曙光即将在东方地平线上升起 ,在 2 0世纪成为显学而又历经风风雨雨的红学如何迈向 2 1世纪 ?这是一个为当今红学界所普遍关注的热点话题。在’97北京国际《红楼梦》学术研讨会上 ,笔者曾在《拓展红学研究的文化视界》一文中提出了融合文献、文本、文化“三文”研究于?
The dawn of the 21st century is about to rise on the horizon of the East. How did Red Learning, a thriving and learned school in the 20th century, march into the 21st century? This is a hot topic of general concern to the academic community today. In ’97 Beijing International ’Dream of Red Mansions’ Symposium, the author once proposed in the article “Expanding the Cultural Horizon of Redology Studies” in the study of the fusion of literature, texts and cultures.