Numerical and physical simulation of a twin-roll strip caster

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiji19860729
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The 1:1 water model of a twin-roll strip caster was set up based on the Froude number and the Reynolds number similarity criteria. A new type metal delivery system was designed for the twin-roll strip caster. The level fluctuation and the fluid flow in the pool of the water model were measured using the level detector and the 3D-LDV (laser Doppler velocimetry) technology. It is shown that a wedged delivery system can produce the desirable level fluctuation and even fluid flow distribution in the pool. Numerical simulations for the water model were performed. Comparisons between the numerical and physical simulation results show good agreement near the side dams. The 1: 1 water model of a twin-roll strip caster was set up based on the Froude number and the Reynolds number similarity criteria. A new type metal delivery system was designed for the twin-roll strip caster. The level fluctuation and the fluid flow in the pool of the water model were measured using the level detector and the 3D-LDV (laser Doppler velocimetry) technology. It is shown that a wedged delivery system can produce the desirable level fluctuation and even fluid flow distribution in the pool. Numerical simulations for the water model were performed. Comparisons between the numerical and physical simulation results show good agreement near the side dams.
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本文用气相色谱/质谱法,对头发中异烟肼的代谢产物乙酰异烟肼进行了定性定量分析。头发中乙酰异烟肼的含量为3. 2ng/mg,平均回收率为84. 6%,最低检出限量为5ng。本文报导的方
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