林可霉素(lincomycin)引起过敏性休克,文献中很少报道,现将我们所遇1例报告如下。 患者男,22岁。于85年6月26日发热,体温38℃,血象:白细胞12,000中性84%,淋巴16%。当晚给予肌注林可霉素0.6g。无不良反应。次日上午患者自行来诊第二次注射林可霉素,注射中患者突感头晕,注完刚拔出针时患者即刻昏倒在地,不省人事,面色苍白,四肢厥冷,脉搏微弱,血压0。立即肌注肾上腺素1mg,地塞米松5mg。10min
Lincomycin (lincomycin) caused by anaphylactic shock, rarely reported in the literature, we now encounter a case reported as follows. Male patient, 22 years old. On June 26, 1985 fever, body temperature 38 ℃, blood: 12,000 neutrophils 84% neutral, lymphatic 16%. The evening intramuscular injection of lincomycin 0.6g. No adverse reactions. The next morning the patient came to the clinic for a second injection of lincomycin, injection of patients with sudden sensation dizziness, just finished injection note when the patient immediately collapsed to the ground, unconscious, pale, limbs, cold, pulse weak, Blood pressure 0. Immediate intramuscular epinephrine 1mg, dexamethasone 5mg. 10min