同心协力办好《农村·农业·农民》杂志 全心全意为农村、农业、农民服务

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由河南省政府发展研究中心和省农村发展研究中心主办的《农村·农业·农民)杂志,在度过了10年初创阶段后,而今应广大读者的要求,经主办单位研究决定,并报请省新闻出版局批准,从1997年起改为月刊。改期后的“三农”杂志,不仅信息量大为增加,而且将更加及时的服务于农村工作和农业生产。主办单位领导非常重视“三农”杂志质量的提高,指示杂志社工作人员一方面要练好内功,提高自身的政治、业务素质,另一方面要深入生产第一线学习、采访。中心主任黄雪林亲赴周口参加该地区的通联工作会议,他在会上讲:“三农”杂志以人数最多的农民群众为服务对象,是一项很广阔的事业。因此不仅要注重提高质量,扩大发行,而且还要为农民 After a 10-year initial stage, the magazine “Rural, Farmer and Farmer” organized by the Henan Provincial Government Development Research Center and the Provincial Center for Rural Development and Research, and now at the request of the readers, is determined by the organizer and submitted to the provincial Press and Publication Bureau approval, from 1997 to monthly. After the rescheduled issue of “agriculture, farmers and rural areas” magazine, not only greatly increase the amount of information, but also will be more timely service to rural work and agricultural production. The leaders of the organizers attached great importance to the improvement of the quality of “Agriculture, Rural Areas and Farmers” magazine and instructed the staff of the magazine to improve their political and professional qualifications on the one hand and to conduct in-depth study and interview on the other. Huang Xuesing, director of the center, went to Zhoukou to participate in the conference on working for the region in the region. He said at the conference: “Three Rurals” magazine is a very broad undertaking targeted at the peasant masses with the largest number of people. So not only focus on improving quality, expand distribution, but also for farmers
我厂有30吨、60吨材料试验机各一台,随机带有备用钳口几对,但因试验频繁,钳口均已磨损,需要重新加工制造。由于钳口材料一般都是采用合金结构钢20Cr,硬度要求 HRC60~65,不但
AFTER rushing through his dinner, Ma Xiao lei quickly changes into his sporting gear and zooms over to the badminton courts. By day Ma runs a photo studio in Be
各位专家、各位代表、同志们:  上午好!  2007年10月10日是我国著名会计学家、会计思想家、教育家杨时展先生逝世十周年纪念日。中国会计学会会计史分会选择在此时、此地召开杨时展先生学术思想讨论会,确实别有一番深意。大家知道,浙江不仅是杨先生的出生地,也是杨先生曾经长期工作过的地方。今天,我们齐聚人杰地灵、交相辉映的浙江绍兴,共同追忆先生的音容笑貌,研讨先生的学术思想,学习先生的学风人品,对丰富