书记上任三年 办了六件实事——吉林省辉南县委书记张作福关心武装工作的事迹

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坐落在长白山脚下的吉林省辉南县,有一位支持国防、关心武装工作的好书记,他叫张作福。他1997年任县委书记以来,3年中为国防后备力量建设办了6件大事,使全县武装工作进入分区的先进行列。 第一件事:带出一个过硬的党委班子。张作福上任后的第一件事,就是加强县人武部党委班子建设。他提出“争第一,站排头,创一流”的工作标准,同党委成员一起研究制定加强党委自身建设措施,为党委班子建设提供了制度保障。今年3月,部长赵兴华刚到任不久,张作福便来到了县人武部,带领赵兴华走访了有关编兵单位,使他很快地熟悉了情况,进入了角色。由于 Located in Huinan County, Jilin Province, at the foot of Changbai Mountain, Zhang Zuofu has a good secretary who supports defense and is concerned about armed work. Since he took office as secretary of the county party committee in 1997, he has held 6 major events for the construction of national defense reserve forces in the past three years, bringing the armed work of the entire county into the advanced ranks in the sub-regions. The first thing: bring out a perfect party committee. Zhang Zuofu took office after the first thing is to strengthen the county armed forces party committee building. He put forward the work standard of “striving for the first place, setting the pace for the first row and creating the first class”, studied and formulated the measures to strengthen the party committee’s self-construction together with members of the party committee, and provided the system guarantee for the party committee building. In March of this year, just as Minister Zhao Xinghua took office, Zhang Zuofu came to the county armed forces department and led Zhao Xinghua to visit the relevant troop-contributing units so that he quickly became familiar with the situation and entered the role. due to
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