生物絮团对水质的调控作用及仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)幼参生长的影响

来源 :渔业科学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donglu1116
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采用模拟实验与现场实验相结合的方法,通过添加3种微生态制剂及碳水化合物作为碳源,研究了其在生物絮团形成与水质调节中的作用,并分析了其对水中无机氮含量、悬浮物、细菌总数及幼参生长的影响,为阐明生物絮团在刺参工厂化苗种培育中的生态环境调控作用提供依据。结果表明,亚硝态氮易于在培育池水体中累积,可高达0.25 mg/L;添加芽孢杆菌后,水中总悬浮物含量和细菌总数均为最高值,且未检测到弧菌和大肠菌群;第20天,仅添加蔗糖组幼参增重与特定生长率均明显高于其他复合碳源组和对照组(P<0.05),分别为44.34 g和2.19%/d;而添加蔗糖和芽孢杆菌组增重与特定生长率均明显高于其他处理组和对照组(P<0.05),分别为66.60 g和3.01%/d;复合碳源组幼参增重与特定生长率随着玉米淀粉含量增加而逐渐降低,但与对照差异均不显著(P>0.05)。结果显示,以蔗糖为碳源,添加芽孢杆菌形成的生物絮团不仅可以改善水体水质和微生态结构,还可以明显促进幼参的生长。 The effects of three kinds of probiotics and carbohydrates on biofloc formation and water quality regulation were studied by the combination of simulation and field experiments. The effects of inorganic nitrogen, Suspended solids, the total number of bacteria and the growth of young ginseng, in order to clarify the role of biological flocs in the regulation of the ecological environment during the cultivation of the plant-grown seedlings of sea cucumber. The results showed that nitrite could easily accumulate in incubation pond water up to 0.25 mg / L. After addition of Bacillus, total suspended solids and total bacteria in water were the highest, and no Vibrio and coliform ; On the 20th day, the weight gain and the specific growth rate of young sucrose group were significantly higher than those of other composite carbon source group and control group (44.34 g and 2.19% / d, respectively) The weight gain and specific growth rate of Bacillus subtilis group were significantly higher than those of other treatment groups and control group (66.60 g and 3.01% / d, respectively). The weight gain and specific growth rate of the composite carbon source group increased with the increase of corn starch Content increased gradually decreased, but no significant difference with the control (P> 0.05). The results showed that the addition of sucrose as a carbon source, the formation of biological flocs Bacillus can not only improve the water quality and micro-ecological structure, but also can significantly promote the growth of young ginseng.
本试验研究了平阳霉素(Pinyangmycin)对小麦的诱变效应.用平阳毒素10μg/ml、30μg/ml 和50μg/ml浓度处理小麦种子,M1根长平均数分别为20.06cm、17.84cm和17.07cm,3种浓度平
DOI,即Digital Object Identifier(数字对象标识符)的缩写,是全球唯一的数字对象标识名称,一个DOI名称一旦赋予给一条电子资源就不会再更改,而成为该资源的永久性的一部分。无论
(To be continuedThe development of environmental agricultural policy in JapaEnvironmental agricultural policies based on collaboration between central and local