抓住机遇 振奋精神 创造戏剧艺术新的繁荣——在全省戏剧创作规划会议上的讲话

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同志们、朋友们: 省剧目工作室现在召开戏剧创作规划会,时机很好。首先,全国和全省的宣传思想工作会议刚刚结束,全党上下在理直气壮地抓紧精神文明建设、弘扬民族文化、扶植严肃艺术的问题上统一了思想,协调了部署,我们要借这个东风,推进我省戏剧艺术的繁荣。其次,现在是春天的季节,大地回春,万物复苏,到处都是生机勃勃的景象。自然界讲春种秋收,我们戏剧创作也要抓住这个播种、耕耘的大好季节,去迎接秋天的丰收,迎接我省戏剧艺术的繁荣。 我省的戏剧艺术,历史上有过几度繁荣,但那毕竟都是历史,我们要用自己的手去创造新的繁荣。因此,新一届厅党组响亮地提出了“梅开三度”的口号,就是要把我省的戏剧艺术以及各个艺术门类都推向新的繁荣。要实现“梅开三度”的目标,拿出一些好的剧本来是最基础的工作,这次会议就是要通过规划来落实这项工作。下面,我想就此谈几点意见。 一  我们做各项工作都常常说要抓住机遇。我觉得,对于戏剧创作来说,现在是一个难得的机遇。前些年,商品经济大潮冲击到各行各业,艺术领域也受到严重影响,通俗艺术乃至庸俗艺术走俏,高雅艺术和严肃艺术受到冷落,大家的创作情绪受到波及而难以高涨,是可以理解的。从大政方针说,前几年也提物质文明建设和精神文明建设两手抓,但实际 Comrades and friends: The provincial drama studio is now planning a drama creation, the timing is very good. First of all, the work conference on propaganda and ideology in the whole country and in the province has just ended. The entire party has unanimously adopted the unified thinking and coordinated the deployment of spiritual and ethical construction, carrying forward the national culture and building up serious art. The prosperity of drama art in our province. Second, now is the spring season, the earth rejuvenation, the recovery of all things, full of vibrant scene. In the spring of spring, we must seize the good seeding and cultivation season to meet the autumn harvest and meet the prosperity of the theater art in our province. The art of theater in our province has enjoyed several degrees of prosperity in history. But after all, it is history. We must use our own hands to create new prosperity. Therefore, the party committee and the government of the new session have loudly proposed the slogan of “opening the plum for three degrees”, that is, pushing the theater arts in our province and various art categories to a new prosperity. To achieve the goal of “attaining a plum” level, it is the most basic task to come up with some good scripts, and this meeting is to implement this work through planning. Next, I would like to comment on this point. As often as we do all kinds of work, we must seize the opportunity. I think it is a rare opportunity for drama creation. A few years ago, the tide of commodity economy hit all walks of life and the art field was also seriously affected. Popular art and even vulgar art were popular. Elegant art and serious art were left out. It was understandable that everyone’s emotions were affected and hardly escalated. According to the principle of major politics, a few years ago we also talked about the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization. However, the actual
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