《时尚的江湖》出版社:中信出版社出版年:2011-10定价:35.00元内容简介时尚,仿佛是闪着bling bling光芒,名利、美貌、智慧交织的神秘之国,想要一探究竟却又遥不可及,时尚杂志自然成为连接时尚圈和普罗大众的一座桥梁。本书中,作为迄今为止唯一一位最早进入时尚媒体行业、仍奋斗在一线的时尚杂志主编,苏芒将带领读者们透过她的视角窥视时尚帝国里的生活种种——要站在时尚之巅,必须浇灌以汗水,消耗以心血,牺牲以精力;作为一名成功女性,苏芒将教给女人们应有的生活态度,是
Fashionable rivers and lakes Press: CITIC Publishing House Publication year: 2011-10 Price: 35 yuan Content brief introduction Fashion, as if blinking bling bling light, fame, beauty, wisdom intertwined mysterious country, you want to find out but And out of reach, fashion magazines naturally become a bridge connecting the fashion world and the general public. The book, as the only one so far into the fashion media industry, is still struggling in the field of fashion magazine editor, Su Man will lead readers through her perspective peep in the fashion empire life, all kinds - to stand in fashion The top, must be irrigated with sweat, consume effort, sacrifice energy; as a successful woman, Sumang will teach women should have the attitude of life is