Gibbs sampling based distributed OFDMA resource allocation

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yayagrace8
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In this article,we present a distributed resource and power allocation scheme for multiple-resource wireless cellular networks.The global optimization of multi-cell multi-link resource allocation problem is known to be NP-hard in the general case.We use Gibbs sampling based algorithms to perform a distributed optimization that would lead to the global optimum of the problem.The objective of this article is to show how to use the Gibbs sampling(GS)algorithm and its variant the Metropolis-Hastings(MH)algorithm.We also propose an enhanced method of the MH algorithm,based on a priori known target state distribution,which improves the convergence speed without increasing the complexity.Also,we study different temperature cooling strategies and investigate their impact on the network optimization and convergence speed.Simulation results have also shown the effectiveness of the proposed methods. In this article, we present a distributed resource and power allocation scheme for multiple-resource wireless cellular networks. The global optimization of multi-cell multi-link resource allocation problem is known to be NP-hard in the general case. We use Gibbs sampling based algorithms to perform a distributed optimization that would lead to the global optimum of the problem. Objective of this article is to show how to use the Gibbs sampling (GS) algorithm and its variant the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm. propose an enhanced method of the MH algorithm, based on a priori known target state distribution, which improves the convergence speed without increasing the complexity. Also, we study different temperature cooling strategies and investigate their impact on the network optimization and convergence speed. Simulation results have also shown the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
一、创设情境,走进诗歌  师:今天,老师带着大家去一个美丽的地方看一看,好吗?  (配乐映示图片:溧水水乡图、上海、苏州、杭州)  师:这些地方都在长江以南,所以称为“江南”。它是一个生词,(出示字卡)谁能读正确?  生:江南。  师:你读准了。一起读。  生:(齐读)江南。  【设计意图】江南名城风景的图片很好地激发了学生的好奇心,也为学生进一步接受教学内容做好铺垫。  师:“江”字,指的是长江
一、温故导学  爱是一根心链,拴紧你我的心,串起了一个个爱的故事。这节课,让我们一起再次走进爱的故事中去。(板书课题:爱之链)  1. 出示重点词语,采用多种方法朗读。  2. 这“爱”发生在谁与谁之间?(乔依、老妇人、女店主) (师点拨:这就是小说的第一要素——人物)  3. 这是一种怎样的爱?(互帮互助)  那么,这“爱”是怎样被连接起来的?这节课就让我们继续仔细品味。  二、合作探究  1.