报道了单光子探测条件下的法拉第反常色散滤波器 (FADOF)滤波特性的实验结果。测量结果表明 ,工作在D2 共振线的Rb原子 780nm法拉第反常色散滤波器的翼谱透射率为 2 8% ,滤光带宽为 0 7GHz ,以及最小可探测激光功率为 0 16 pW/cm2 。由于使用了单光子探测器测量法拉第反常色散滤波器物理参数的方法 ,极大地提高了实验测量的探测灵敏度。通过实验数据分析 ,给出了相关的讨论。在日光情况下 ,如果使用这种 780nmRb法拉第反常色散滤波器代替干涉滤波片 ,将极大地降低背景光噪声和减少误码率 ,使得在单光子水平的激光通信更接近于实用
The experimental results of FADOF filter characteristics under single-photon detection are reported. The measurement results show that the Rf atom 780 nm Faraday anomalous dispersion filter working in the D2 resonance line has a spectral transmittance of 28%, a filter bandwidth of 0 7 GHz and a minimum detectable laser power of 0 16 pW / cm2. Due to the use of a single photon detector to measure the Faraday anomalous dispersion filter physical parameters, greatly improving the detection sensitivity of experimental measurements. Through the experimental data analysis, the relevant discussions are given. In daylight, using this 780 nm Rb Faraday anomalous dispersion filter instead of an interference filter greatly reduces background light noise and reduces bit error rate, making laser communications at a single photon closer to practical