三代同堂,其中十人酷爱乒乓球,且球艺 都绝非泛泛,在全市乃至全省都有一定的知名 度——这样的家庭,除了黄应麟的家族外,在广 州市恐怕再难找到第二家了。 宝剑锋从磨砺出 梅花香自苦寒来 从地铁琶洲总站上来后,再搭几站巴士,便 到了黄应麟教练的“隐居地”——黄埔村。在鳞 次栉比的楼房中,好不容易才找到黄家。从门外 看,这幢5层楼房与左邻右舍似乎无异。可主人 一开门,浓郁的乒乓气息扑面而来,俨然进入了 一个乒乓的王国。首先映入眼帘的,是两张符合 国际比赛标准的双鱼球台,四周墙壁挂满了当今 世界顶级乒乓球星神采飞扬的大幅彩照。孔令辉、
Three generations, of whom ten love table tennis, and the ball is by no means a pandemic in the city and the province has a certain reputation - this family, in addition to Huang Yinglin’s family, I am afraid it is difficult to find a second in Guangzhou It’s Bao Jian Feng from plum plum incense from the bitter cold came from the Pazhou terminus, then take a few stops the bus, they went to coach Huang Yinglin “seclusion” - Whampoa Village. In row upon row of buildings, finally found the Huang family. From the outside, this 5-storey building and neighbors seem to be no different. The owner can open the door, rich atmosphere of pingpong blowing, just like entering a kingdom of pingpong. The first thing that catches your eyes is the two Pisces tables that match the international competition standards. The walls are covered with large colorful pictures of the world’s top table tennis stars. Kong Linghui,