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<正> In order to see whether a different lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzyme pattern could be found in T and B lymphocytes, we studied the LDH isoenzymes of EA
<正> I. Suppose we have p1(x),…, pr(x)∈C[0,1],r≥1, P(D)=Dr+…+pr-1(x)D+pr(x)I, where D=d/dx, I is the identity operator. Let W? be the class of the rth differentiable
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<正> In C. A. G. D., B-spline curves are often used. Wang Jiaye etc. have discusses the approximation property with B-spline curves by geometric method. Here, t
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<正> During the Late Paleozoic era, Shanxi was situated in the central part of N. China’s gigantic subsidence zone between the Yinshan and Qinling latitudinal
我们先来看下面两个题目:例1求 的值.解原式例2 计算 的值. Let’s look at the following two topics: the value of Example 1. The value of solution 2 is ca
总程序:“先判后去”,即先判断绝对值符号内代数式的正负性,然后根据公式去掉绝对值符号. The general procedure: “After the sentence is judged,” that is, first det
<正> As methyl dihydrojasmonate has been known to be a popular perfume recently, its synthetic method has been intensively investigated. Although a lot of synth