1.报告天津市人口出生死亡统计典型区的结核病死亡率,1957年较1949年降低82.3%;结核病死亡从死亡原因中的第一位退居第六位。结核病死亡率显著阵低的结果,它已经不是估计防痨有效性的唯-标志;今后防痨的首要任务,将不仅是減少死亡,而是要在最短期间内使全部患者达到完全治癒和降低发病率。 2.讨论指出,曾是高峯的儿童死亡率已经消失,死亡最多的是在50岁以上。这一改变的原因是普遍接种卡介苗和广泛推行早期发现、积极治疗的结果,根本原因则是社会主义的优越性,从根本上消灭了结核病发生和发展的社会因素。
1. The death rate from tuberculosis reported in the typical area of birth and death statistics of Tianjin Municipality decreased by 82.3% from 1957 to 1949; the death from tuberculosis ranked sixth in the cause of death. The notable result of tuberculosis mortality is not the only sign of effectiveness in the prevention of tuberculosis; the primary priority of prevention in the future will not only be to reduce mortality but to achieve a complete cure and reduction in all patients in the shortest possible time Incidence. 2. The discussion pointed out that the once-peaked child mortality rate has disappeared, with the largest number of deaths being over the age of 50. The reason for this change is the result of widespread vaccination of BCG and widespread implementation of early detection and aggressive treatment. The root cause is the superiority of socialism, which fundamentally eliminates the social factors that contribute to the occurrence and development of tuberculosis.