孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德。为了引导学生懂得关爱父母,我在任教的两个班的110名学生中布置了一次特殊的家庭作业:为父母洗一次脚,并把洗脚的经过和感受写下来,希望父母签上他们的感受。学生听了目瞪口呆。引用学生作文中的话来说便是: “听到这个作业时,我不禁笑出声来,太可笑了,怎么是给父母洗脚呢?老师怎么会布置这样一个莫名其妙的作业呢?”另一个同学则写道:天啊!老师有没有搞错呀!是父母给我们洗脚吧! 第二天给学生批阅作业时,我被这份特殊的作业感动了。学生作文的字里行间流露出滴滴真情,透出儿女一份份诚挚的孝心。崔博同学在他的作文《给爸爸洗脚》中写道:
Honoring their parents is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. In order to guide the students to know how to care for their parents, I arranged a special homework among the 110 students in the two classes taught: to wash their feet for their parents and write down the feelings and experiences of washing their feet, hoping their parents would sign their Feel The students listened stunned. In the words of a student’s essay, “When I heard this assignment, I can not help laughing out loud, it’s ridiculous, how do I wash my feet for my parents? How can a teacher arrange such an inexplicable task?” Another My classmates wrote: My God! Did the teacher make a mistake! The parents gave us to wash your feet! The next day, when I was reviewing the homework for the students, I was touched by this special assignment. Students in the composition of the words show the truth between the lines, revealing a sincere filial heart of children. Cui Bo students in his essay “to my father’s feet,” wrote: