
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzmuyelan
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1928年6月29日,张鼎丞、罗秋天、阮山、卢肇西等领导的永定农民武装暴动,是党的“八七”会议后,福建党组织领导举行的规模最大、影响最深远的农民武装暴动。 第一次大革命失败后,中共闽南特委及时把斗争转入农村,派罗明、罗秋天到闽西各地巡视工作,并从广东大埔调回张鼎丞,以加强对永定革命斗争的领导。1927年8月,张鼎丞回到永定,在金砂公学以教员身份作掩护,协同阮山等人积极开展革命活动,先后建立了中共溪南支部和溪南区委。到10月底,全县已有党员120余人,遂在金砂召开中共永定县第一次代表大会,正式成立了中共永定县委,选举罗秋天为县委书记。在此前后,张鼎丞等人积极以开办平民夜校的方式,教育和团结广大农民群众,努力恢复各乡农民协会。至1928年3月,全县已有30多个乡恢复了农会,入会者达2500余户,同时,为了适应武装斗争的需要,在农会会员中又秘密组织了农民武装组织——“铁血团”,计有1000余人,200余条枪。 June 29, 1928 Zhang Dingcheng, Luo Qiutian, Ruan Shan, Lu Zhaoxi and other leaders of the Yongding peasant armed riot is the party’s “87” meeting, led by the Fujian party organized the largest and most far-reaching peasant armed riot . After the defeat of the First Great Revolution, the CPC’s Minnan Special Commission promptly sent the struggle to the countryside, and sent Palin and Luo Qiutian to all over Fujian to inspect the work and reconvert Zhang Dacheng from Tai Po in Guangdong Province so as to strengthen the leadership over the revolutionary struggle in Yongding. In 1927 August, Zhang Dingcheng returned to Yongding, Jinsha Public School to cover as a teacher, in collaboration with Ruan Shan and others actively carry out revolutionary activities, has established the CPC Xi Nan Branch and the XINAN District Commission. By the end of October, there are more than 120 party members in the county, and the first congress of CPC Yongding County was held in Jinsha. CPC Yongding County was formally established and Luo Qiutian was elected as county party secretary. Before and after that, Zhang Ding-cheng and others actively organized and educated and united the masses of peasants in an effort to run a civilian night school so as to restore the peasant associations of all townships. By March 1928, more than 30 townships had restored their peasant associations and more than 2,500 people had joined the association. In the meantime, in order to meet the needs of the armed struggle, peasant armed groups were secretly organized among peasant association members - Iron Blood Group ", there are more than 1,000 people, more than 200 guns.
川西相识 1935年的6月,炎热的骄阳,象一面火镜悬挂于碧兰的天宇,热乎乎的南风把川西小镇杂谷垴街上的酒字旗吹得啪哒啪哒直响,也卷起了街外小河中一簇簇银 West of Sichuan
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