在加拿大多伦多市区街道上,每天早晨你可以打开街角一个紫底绿字的铁箱,随手取出一份免费的小报。这份小报的名字叫做Metro Today,有八页之多。眼前这篇题为Prague Alive withSights,Sounds的文章出现在2002年7月10日该报周三的增刊上,图文并茂,很有吸引力。两幅照片一幅是布拉格的一座桥,桥名为查尔斯桥,衬托着古老的建筑、平静的河水和葱绿的树林,相映成趣,构成了一幅迷人的风景画。文章分四大部分,十二个小段。每一部分都以黑体的文字开头,分别点出了大段的中心内容,非常醒目。第一小段第一句As the iron curtain was drawn on the
On the streets of downtown Toronto, Canada, you can open a freezer at your corner every morning with a purple box of green letters. The tabloid name is Metro Today, with eight pages. This article in front of Prague Alive withSights, Sounds appeared in the supplement of the newspaper on Wednesday July 10, 2002, illustrated and illustrated. It is very attractive. Two pictures of a bridge in Prague, the bridge named Charles Bridge, set off the ancient architecture, calm river and lush trees, side by side, constitute a charming landscape. The article is divided into four parts, twelve short paragraphs. Each section starts with a bold text, each point out a large section of the contents of the center, very eye-catching. The first sentence of the first sentence As the iron curtain was drawn on the