时下,在一些煤矿企业中,往往出现这种情况,当井下发生安全事故后,全矿便立即召开安全整风会。一时间,机关科室、基层区队相继开展起自查自纠活动,井下的“违章”现象和安全事故也得到了有效遏制。然而,一段时间过后,“违章”现象和安全事故又抬起头来。究其原因,原来安全整风只是一股风,风过之后又“水”了。 地处渝黔交界处的重庆市松藻矿务局石壕煤矿把安全整风作为安全管
Nowadays, in some coal mining enterprises, this kind of situation often occurs. After a safety accident occurs underground, the whole mine immediately convenes a safety rectification meeting. For a time, departments and grassroots teams have carried out self-examination and corrective activities, underground “illegal” phenomenon and safety incidents have also been effectively curbed. However, after some time, the “illegal” phenomenon and safety accidents looked up again. The reason, the original safety rectification is just a style, after the wind and “water” of the. Chongqing is located at the junction of Chongqing Municipality Songzao Mining Bureau Shigao Coal Mine safety rectification as safety pipe