In 1928, Eling and Terpstra did not find the piezoelectric effect of K2Cr2O7 crystals; in 1930 Stedehouder and Terpstra found that K2Cr2O7 crystals did not appear to be roughened on the (001-) surface. In 1931 Shubnikov published a series of photographs clearly showing that the (001) and (001-) planes of K2Cr2O7 have asymmetric and different structures. In 1932 Schoep proposed the hypothesis of the existence of symmetry centers based on the corrosion pits. In 1935, Greenwood also used very sensitive instruments to determine the piezoelectric effect. In 1954 and 1955, Podisko and Shubnikov again pointed out the asymmetric corrosion behavior of K2Cr2O7 crystals on the (001) and (001-) planes. In 1959, Rao studied the crystal of K2Cr2O7 by X-ray method. According to the statistical diffraction intensity, K2Cr2O7 crystal has a symmetrical center. Parvov and Shubnikov grew a free-floating crystal in 1964, gradually decreasing the temperature from 30.4 ° C to 29.2 ° C within 6 months, and the growth rates of (001-) and (100) were 0, again confirming that the structure was not symmetry. 1970 Vadilo that supersaturation has an impact on asymmetric growth. Both {001} are smooth at low over-saturation, rough on the {001} surface near the bottom of the container at moderate supersaturation, and high over-saturation results in both {001} being rough.