新的一年里,我国将全面改变经济考评指标体系。 经济效益不高是长期困扰我国经济的顽症,这当然与企业自身存在的诸种问题如管理不善等有关,但不可否认,我国传统的考核地方经济发展和企业的那种以产值、产量论英雄的指标体系也起到了重要的导向作用。因此,考核指标体系不改变,地方和企业片面追求产值的趋势就难以扭转,企业经济效益不高的顽症就难以克服。今年,经济上的主题仍将是调整结构和提高效益。而要实现这一目标,改革经济考核指标体系势在必行。有道是:铁轨怎么铺,火车就怎么跑。
In the new year, our country will comprehensively change the index system of economic evaluation. However, it is undeniable that the traditional assessment of the local economy in our country and the kind of enterprise that regards the output value and output theory as heroes The index system also played an important role in guiding. Therefore, the assessment index system does not change, local and enterprise unilateral pursuit of the trend of output is difficult to reverse the enterprise’s economic problems is difficult to overcome the chronic disease. This year, the economic theme will remain to readjust the structure and increase efficiency. To achieve this goal, it is imperative to reform the index system of economic evaluation. Youdao is: how to shop rails, how to run the train.