Forestry Economy and Forestry Ecological Economy are interdependent and mutually influential entities. The strategic goal of forestry development in our country is: “Expand forest resources, preserve soil and save energy, and enrich the people.” To achieve this strategic goal, the relationship between the development of forestry and timber production must be properly addressed. Timber production is a But we must maintain the balance of forestry ecosystems in the development and utilization of timber. When we consider developing forestry economy, we must focus on the development of forestry eco-economy, otherwise, we can not talk about the expansion of forest resources and the retention of soil and water Energy storage function. In recent years, the state has formulated a near-term and long-term development plan for the development of forestry from the central government to local governments, put forward a plan for afforestation and waste of afforested forests and forests, announced the “Forest Law”, and protected and rationally exploited existing forest resources